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House Adopts Carter Amendment to Patriot Act

Washington, D.C. – Tonight, the House of Representatives approved U.S. Representative John R. Carter's (TX-31) legislation, the Terrorist Penalties Enhancement Act. The legislation was approved by voice vote as an amendment to the H.R. 3199, USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorizat...

Federal Death Penalty for Terrorists

Washington, Jul 21, 2005 -  

Tonight, the House of Representatives approved U.S. Representative John R. Carter’s (TX-31) legislation, the Terrorist Penalties Enhancement Act. The legislation was approved by voice vote as an amendment to the H.R. 3199, USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2005. The legislation amends the federal criminal code to apply the death penalty or life imprisonment for a terrorist offense that results in death, terrorist offenses which create grave risk of death, and to certain terror related crimes involving nuclear and weapons of mass destruction threats to the United States.

      "I am pleased that my colleagues agreed to my amendment. Current law denies a jury the ability to consider a sentence of death or life imprisonment for terrorists in many cases - even when the attack results in death," said Carter, who presided over five capital punishment cases during his 20 years of service as a State District Judge. "It is time that equal justice is given to those who commit crimes against our nation."

      The legislation also makes such offenders permanently ineligible for federal benefits of any kind and allows for the application of the federal death penalty in certain air piracy cases occurring before the enactment of the Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994 in certain limited cases.

      Carter said, "This legislation puts all would-be terrorists on notice that they will receive the ultimate justice should they decide to plan and execute a future attack."

       The legislation was originally authored and introduced by Carter in July 2003, and was passed by the Judiciary Committee last June. The House adopted the legislation as an amendment to the 9/11 bill last fall but was stripped in a conference committee with the Senate.

       President George W. Bush has made it clear that he supports the passage of the bill. In April 2003, while at Hershey, PA, he said, "We ought to be sending a strong signal: If you sabotage a defense installation or nuclear facility in a way that takes an innocent life, you ought to get the death penalty, the federal death penalty."

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