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Congressmen Respond to President's Supreme Court Nomination

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives John R. Carter (TX-31), Chairman of the Lawsuit Abuse Public Affairs Team, and his teammates issued the following statements in response to the President's nomination of Judge John Roberts to the Supreme Court: "I commend the President for nomi...

Lawsuit Abuse Public Affairs Team

Washington, Jul 20, 2005 -  

Today, U.S. Representatives John R. Carter (TX-31), Chairman of the Lawsuit Abuse Public Affairs Team, and his teammates issued the following statements in response to the President’s nomination of Judge John Roberts to the Supreme Court:

“I commend the President for nominating a well respected and experienced judge, who upholds the Constitution and principles of this nation.

“I hope the Senate will put aside petty partisan tactics, put the needs of this nation on the front burner and work diligently and in a reputable manner to confirm Judge Robert.”

- U.S. Rep. John R. Carter

Rep. John Carter (TX-31) represents the 31st District of Texas. Prior to being elected to Congress, Rep. Carter served over 20 years as judge of the 277th District Court of Williamson County. Since being elected to Congress in 2002, Carter has promoted a tough on crime agenda with legislation signed into law and is the Chairman of the Lawsuit Abuse Public Affairs Team

“I am very pleased with the President’s pick for the high court. Judge John Roberts is a respected and experienced jurist. He is widely respected for his intellect and fairness and I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to give him a fair and swift confirmation.”

- Deborah Pryce, Chairman House Republican Conference

Rep. Deborah Pryce (OH-15) is the Chairman of the House Republican Conference, making her the fourth-highest ranking member and the highest ranking Republican woman ever to serve in the House of Representatives. As a former prosecutor and judge, she continues to advocate for the rights of women and children.

“It would be difficult to find in a Supreme Court nominee a better qualified candidate with more impressive credentials than Judge John Roberts. I am hopeful that the U.S. Senate will execute its responsibility – without the undue influence of special interest groups – to ensure that it is confirming a man with the judicial temperament, intellectual acuity, and respect for the Constitution that will serve our country well in the years to come.”

- U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert (IL-13)

"Judge Roberts is a brilliant man with astounding credentials. In fact, when he was appointed to his current judicial seat the Senate confirmed him easily. Ted Kennedy was one of three not supporting him, and if you ask me, that means he is the right kind of judge. Even though the House does not have a constitutional role, I am interested in hearing more about Judge Roberts. The role of a judge should be to interpret the law and not legislate from the bench like the California Ninth Circuit did with the Pledge of Allegiance. I look forward to following the process as it moves through the Senate."

-U.S. Representative Bill Shuster (PA-09)

“John Roberts is a judge of impeccable character who has dedicated his legal career to the betterment of our nation’s judicial system.

“The Supreme Court is not elected, and it is therefore not a proper arbiter of social policy. I believe Judge Roberts to be the type of justice who will decide cases based on the intent of our Constitutional framers, and will refrain from inserting his own political and social ideology into his decisions.

“Throughout this process, I call on the Senate to cooperate with the President in quickly moving Judge Roberts through the confirmation process and to his seat on the bench."

- U.S. Representative Lamar Smith (TX-21)

"John Roberts is an excellent appointment, a true scholar who can read and understand that the Constitution says what it means and means what it says. The Senate should do its job, have its hearing, and give this honorable man a 'yes' or 'no' vote and do it sooner rather than later. For the Constitution's sake, the Senate should do their job and vote."

- U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert (TX-01)

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