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No turning back on a growing economy

Originally appeared in Round Rock Leader:

The December jobs report was released last week, and it was much better than the experts were predicting. In fact, it was great.

Twelve months after the new Republican tax code became law, the economy continues to grow. American workers are seeing more money in their pockets, and the power really is in American workers’ hands as the labor market tightens. The December jobs report showed that 312,000 jobs were created and hourly wages showed an increase of 3.2 percent over the last year.

These economic successes are happening across the United States, Texas and right in our own backyard. Recently, Apple announced it would be building a new campus in Northwest Austin just within Williamson County. This new facility will bring up to 5,000 new jobs to our area.

Apple’s expansion is an example of the confidence companies are experiencing as the economy remains strong, and as companies expand, it means more opportunities for American workers and better paychecks.

Yes, it’s true, our economy is strong, and according to experts in the field like Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics, “the U.S. economy still has considerable forward momentum.” But in order to keep us going in the right direction, we need to keep building on the last year of success.

We can’t turn back. Unfortunately, one of the first rules the Democrats passed when they took over the House as the majority included the ability to make it easier to raise taxes by lowering the threshold of votes necessary in the House. They also changed the rules to make sure it could be done by voice vote, which does not record how a member has voted.

That means House members can now vote to take more of your hard-earned money, and you won’t even know which members are responsible for it. These House rule changes from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are laying the groundwork for Democrat priorities, and it’s obvious that one of those priorities is raising your taxes.

As we embark on the 116th Congress, there are places where both parties can work together in Washington, but this is one thing we can’t agree on. Republicans understand that you work hard for your money, and you should keep more of it, and we just won’t compromise on that.

Rep. Carter represents Texas District 31, which includes Round Rock and Fort Hood, the largest active-duty armored military installation in the free world. He serves as co-chairman of the Congressional Army Caucus and Chairman of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Appropriations.

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