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In first 10 days, Trump Better Securing Our Nation

I am pleased President Trump has taken action in his first week to better secure our border by building a border wall where it makes sense, enforcing the laws on the books, and ensuring those who are entering our country do not mean us harm. I am glad to finally have a strong ally in the White House on these issues that are so important to Texas.

I am pleased President Trump has taken action in his first week to better secure our border by building a border wall where it makes sense, enforcing the laws on the books, and ensuring those who are entering our country do not mean us harm. I am glad to finally have a strong ally in the White House on these issues that are so important to Texas.

Days after taking the oath of office, President Trump issued three executive orders to enhance our homeland security. The first directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to begin the planning, design, and construction of a wall along the southern border. While it calls for the redirecting of already appropriated funds to begin construction, Trump’s executive order does not appropriate any additional funding to construct the wall. As Chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Committee, I look forward to working closely with the White House to develop funding mechanisms and revenue streams to cover the cost.

President Trump also signed an executive order which directs the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, and State to take steps to enhance the security of our communities by prioritizing the removal of illegal immigrants who commit crimes and hiring additional immigration officers. Both of these actions will better secure our border and enhance our national security.

President Trump’s third executive order puts into place a 90 day moratorium on issuance of new visas, and travel by visitors from seven countries designated by the Obama Administration as sources of terror. It also places a 120 day moratorium on accepting refugees from these same countries, and indefinitely from Syria. During this moratorium, the order directs national security officials to evaluate and implement better vetting processes for people from those countries seeking entry into the United States.

This order does not impact legal permanent residents (“green card holders”) of the United States. While there was some confusion as the order was being implemented, I believe our customs and border patrol personnel have done a good job in carrying out their duties and clearing up any confusion.

Texas bore the brunt of President Obama’s failed immigration policies and utter refusal to enforce our nation’s laws. President Trump’s bold actions in the early days of his term have signaled a new day for American security.

I am committed to keeping Texans safe and I will continue to support all efforts to put our national security first. I stand against any policies that open the door to radical extremists manipulating our immigration policies and infiltrating our homeland. We must ensure we have the tools in place to deny entry to those wishing us harm while allowing peaceful, freedom loving people access to our great nation.

Rep. Carter represents Texas District 31, which includes Fort Hood, the largest active duty armored military installation in the free world. He serves as Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Appropriations, co-chairman of the House Army Caucus, is on the Subcommittee for Commerce, Justice and Science and the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.

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