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Congressman Carter Applauds Historic Elections in Iraq

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Congressman John Carter (TX-31) today joined colleagues in supporting the millions of Iraqi people who will exercise their new right to vote on Thursday. The historic parliamentary elections are an important milestone in the transition to a free and democratic Iraq. "Tom...

Washington, Dec 14, 2005 -

U.S. Congressman John Carter (TX-31) today joined colleagues in supporting the millions of Iraqi people who will exercise their new right to vote on Thursday. The historic parliamentary elections are an important milestone in the transition to a free and democratic Iraq.

"Tomorrow’s parliamentary elections are another important milestone in the transformation of a democratic Iraq. Our troops have helped the Iraqis make tremendous progress in a short time: nearly 3,000 school renovations have taken place, more than 30,000 teachers have been trained, 8 million textbooks have been distributed, and 30,000 new Iraqi businesses have registered," Congressman Carter said. "We cannot cut and run. Instead, we must continue to support Iraq as they secure democracy and a free future, and stand by our service men and women whose dedication has been critical to this mission."

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