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Funding Finalized for Fort Hood

Washington, D.C. – Today the House of Representatives approved the funding announced for Fort Hood earlier this week. U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) worked in his subcommittee, which oversees this appropriations bill, to secure the funding. The Mil...

Awaits the President’s Signature

Washington, Nov 18, 2005 -    

Today the House of Representatives approved the funding announced for Fort Hood earlier this week.   U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) worked in his subcommittee, which oversees this appropriations bill, to secure the funding.  The Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs for Fiscal Year 2006 passed the House overwhelmingly. The legislation provides $63,938,000 for military construction projects at Fort. Hood and a $22.547 billion for Veterans Medical Services.

“This funding will aide our troops today and those of yesterday – our veterans,” said Carter. “The construction funds provided in this bill will greatly enhance Fort Hood’s ability to protect and provide for its soldiers and their families. I want to thank Congressman Edwards and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison for their continued support of Fort Hood.”

As our nation continues to be engaged in the War on Terror, so does the commitment of Congress to the men and women who defend our nation today and those who served in the past,” said Carter.

It was the united effort of Representatives Carter and Chet Edwards and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison that ensured Fort Hood received additional funding to further enhance its role as a power projection platform.

An allocation for a much needed fire station at North Fort. Hood was funded at $4.1 million, at the request of Carter.  The funding will be used to construct a fire station with air rescue capability to replace the existing fire station.  The current facility is antiquated, deteriorating, and is too small to accommodate modern fire fighting equipment. The existing fire station is located on the East side of Highway 36, while all future North Fort Hood construction, which includes barracks, head quarters, and motor pools, is planned on the West side.  The separation will cause unacceptable delays in reaction times.

             Carter worked with Rep. Chet Edwards who successfully requested a physical fitness center for West Fort. Hood.  This $6.8 million project will replace the existing facility and provide support for the increased troop strength and help meet the required Army Physical Fitness Skill Training.  This project will help reduce the post-wide deficit of physical fitness centers at Fort Hood.

Carter also requested and it was later added in conference, with the assistance of Edwards, $6.6 million for a Central Receiving/Shipping Point (CRSP).  Located at the Fort Hood Industrial Park in the West Cantonment Area, CRSP will support Force Protection and reduce traffic congestion by minimizing truck traffic within the main cantonment area.  Additionally, the facility’s close proximity to the railhead would enhance deployment support by upgrading commercial staging and shipping of Fort Hood assets to and from the seaport.

            These three request are an addition to the $46.438 million included in the President’s Budget, as part of the 2006 Future Years Defense Plan, for Fort. Hood.  This funding will be used for a vehicle maintenance shop, qualification training range, battalion command and control facilities, another fire station and a multipurpose scout qualification course.

Veterans Medical Services are funded at $22,547,000,000 which covers veteran’s hospitals, out-patient clinics and nursing homes.  The subcommittee also rejected a proposed budget cut for state-run veteran nursing homes for long-term care.  Carter took an active role in making sure these nursing homes did not lose their funding by raising his objections within committee meetings and hearings.

            Congressman Carter represents Fort. Hood and is a member of the House Appropriations Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee and was a member of the conference committee.  The bill is now awaits President George W. Bush’s signature.

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