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Carter testifies about Illegal Immigration before House Committee

Washington, D.C. – Today during a House Judiciary hearing on How Illegal Immigration Impacts Constituencies: Perspectives from Members of Congress, U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) testified about the direct impact of illegal immigration and the 31st District and the State of Texas. &...

Washington, Nov 16, 2005 -

Today during a House Judiciary hearing on How Illegal Immigration Impacts Constituencies: Perspectives from Members of Congress, U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) testified about the direct impact of illegal immigration and the 31st District and the State of Texas.

             “It is estimated that in 2000, there were more than one million illegal immigrants living in Texas.  That was about five percent of the state population.” Carter went on to talk about the cost it has had on Texans, “Texans spend more than $4 billion annually on education for illegal immigrant children and their U.S.-born siblings.  About 12 percent of Texas school children in K-12 are children of illegal aliens.  Texas’ healthcare expenditures for illegal aliens are more than $520 million per year.  And the uncompensated cost of incarcerating illegal aliens is more than $150 million each year.  These costs relate to about $725 per legal household.”

            The committee is currently considering immigration and border security legislation and is taking into consideration the testimony of the members.  During his testimony, Carter also referred to violence and drug trafficking, “The Border Patrol reports that Texas has the highest seizure rate of cocaine and heroine of any other state.  The Mexican side of the border is fast becoming a lawless war zone where cartels and gangs rule with martial law.  This tragic development is too close to innocent American citizens and the violence is beginning to spread across the border.”

            Legislation concerning illegal immigration is expected to be introduced in the coming weeks. 

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