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Carter Votes to Protect Judges and Courthouses

WASHINGTON, DC – Last night, U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) praised the overwhelming passage of H.R. 1751, the Secure Access to Justice and Court Protection Act of 2005. "As a state district judge for 20 years, I know...


Washington, Nov 15, 2005 -

Last night, U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) praised the overwhelming passage of H.R. 1751, the Secure Access to Justice and Court Protection Act of 2005.

            “As a state district judge for 20 years, I know first-hand the danger that can happen in the courtroom. This important legislation will protect our nation’s judges and courthouses,” said Carter. “Violence has no place in the courtroom; it threatens the integrity of our fair judicial system and the lives of civil servants and citizens performing their legal duties.”  

            The Secure Access to Justice and Court Protection Act contains measures designed to prevent future attacks against judges and the entire courthouse family, protect courthouses, and punish those that commit these crimes.

H.R. 1751 Highlights

• Stiffens penalties to protect immediate family members of federally funded public safety officials.
• Enhances criminal penalties where the victim is a United States judge, federal law enforcement officer or a federally funded public safety officer. 
• Raises maximum punishments for crimes against victims, witnesses, jurors, and informants. 
• Makes it a federal crime to kill a member of the National Guard when he or she is serving the State as a public safety officer.  
• Prohibits certain personal information regarding certain officials from being published on the Internet.

• Requires coordination on security matters between the U.S. Marshals and the Administrative Office of the U.S Courts.

• Authorizes funding for a state witness protection program.
• Allows state courts to apply for direct court security funding.

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