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Carter Addresses Bell County Concerns in a Hearing

Washington, DC – Today, during a Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) asked questions to Michael P. Jackson, Deputy Secretary Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Richard Skinner, Inspector General for DHS, David Paulison, the Acting Dir...

Ask Questions of DHS & FEMA Officials

Washington, Oct 6, 2005 -

Today, during a Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, U.S. Representative John R. Carter (TX-31) asked questions to Michael P. Jackson, Deputy Secretary Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Richard Skinner, Inspector General for DHS, David Paulison, the Acting Director of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), concerning the spending of government funds for Katrina recovery efforts.

            Bell County has generously taken in a large number of evacuees and currently the county is spending $900,000 on over 600 housing units. Concerned about the repayment, Carter questioned Jackson about the timeliness of the reimbursement. 

            Jackson said that no state had been more generous than Texas and that FEMA would work with each individual local county and city government to make sure they are repaid.  Public assistance money is available for local governments seeking reimbursement. This Friday in Baton Rouge, LA, FEMA will be meeting to create a detailed reimbursement plan.  

            Jackson also expressed transitional housing assistance can be sought by evacuees by going to the local housing authority.

            Carter also expressed his concern about individuals stealing from FEMA and abusing the system in place to help evacuees.  Skinner responded saying they will be seeking the maximum punishment for those convicted of fraud.

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