The Congressional App Challenge CAC is now open. Students are encouraged to register online and submit their apps by the deadline on October 24, 2024. Register HERE
The Congressional App Challenge (CAC) is hosted by Members of Congress for middle school and high school students to encourage participation in STEM education, develop coding skills, and create original applications that better their communities. The Congressional App Challenge is one of the most prestigious national prizes for students in computer science.
The CAC is open to private, public, and homeschool students who reside in, or attend, school in the 31st Congressional District of Texas, which now includes Bell, Bosque, Burnet, Coryell, Hamilton, and Williamson counties. To confirm your federal representative and congressional district, please click here.
Congressman Carter will announce the winner from his district in winter 2024.
The winner of the app challenge will be invited to a celebration called the #HouseOfCode in the U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. in early 2025.
The winning TX-31 app will be on display electronically in the Capitol along with all other participating congressional winners.
For more information and to view general guidelines, click here.
For more information about the TX-31 Congressional App Challenge, please contact: August Alvarado at August.Alvarado@mail.house.gov
2022 TX-31 Congressional App Challenge Winner
Ayushmaan Dubey
Rise & Shine
For a list of all 2022 United States Congressional App Challenge Winners click here.