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Representative Carter Requests the House Withhold Pay During Government Shutdown

With a government shutdown expected to begin September 30, 2023, at midnight, Representative John Carter (TX-31) requested that Chief Administrative Officer Catherine Szpindor withhold his salary until the government is funded.
With a government shutdown expected to begin September 30, 2023, at midnight, Representative John Carter (TX-31) requested that Chief Administrative Officer Catherine Szpindor withhold his salary until the government is funded.
"As chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Committee, I passed my funding bill in late July- the only one to pass either chamber before this week. I want to see each appropriations bill follow the same path, but unfortunately, the clock is not on Congress' side. The lapse in appropriations will impact America's families, including our service members, and it is not fair for Congress to continue drawing a salary while our heroes go without. For that reason, I have asked the House to withhold my pay until Congress gets its work done and the government is funded."

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